English Troubleshooting

Steps to run Angular on a running project in windows 7

Install a newer version of NPM, if there is already an old version then it is better to remove it and then to install a new version. Insure that the NPM path is correct, try: “npm get prefix” from visual studio code to see the existing path. If the path was not correct then set […]

English Troubleshooting

Visual studio project cannot commit in github [fixed]

I faced this issue when I was trying to submit a solution with an MDF file, simply you cannot do any copy/move/delete to a solution while a database connection is open, to solve this you have to close the solution, or close the connections from server explorer or to close SQL service from windows services, […]

English Troubleshooting

Unable to download exe files [fixed]

After trying many things like enabling and disabling firewall and Antivirus features nothing was helpful in solving the problem, few small exe files were possible to download but the majority were not. Simply I found that I have to exclude my browser from multiple checks in Kaspersky antivirus settings, like the following: Open Kaspersky antivirus. […]

English Troubleshooting

Problem (Connection Error) in Flash Player installation

After installing Flash Player I’ve faced problems like not being able to download EXEs through any browser, and not having (connection error) during the installation of Flash Player. All the following steps are not working except the green ones: Stop antivirus – not working Stop firewall – not working Stop network attack blocker in Kaspersky […]