English Machine Learning

Short comparison between graph neural network libraries: Graph nets VS Stellagraph VS Spektral


Feature Spektral Stellargraph Graph Nets
Tutorials availability There’re about 20 examples that show different usages. A lot of well documented demos in python notebooks. Very few examples
Year of creation 2020 2018 2018
Paper Spectral Clustering with Graph Neural Networks for Graph Pooling cited less than 100 times No paper Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks cited more than 1400 times
Author/s danielegrattarola


CSIRO’s Data61 DeepMind
Supports Tensorflow Tensorflow Tensorflow and Sonnet
Input type Simple datasets of multiple thousands single numerical value nodes Dataframes In the examples the node values were required to be arrays of float values. It’s also possible to choose whether to make a graph without edges, nodes without values, or edges without directions.
Usage Examples show a case of citations network, molecular prediction model, and graph network classification. Varied use cases of supervised and unsupervised learning. It also supports 20 different types of algorithms. Examples show one physical example, one about the shortest path problem solution and another simplified demo.
Node prediction Yes Classification Doesn’t predict graphs, nodes or edges according to the manual, but predicts states, shortest paths and other operations that are done over an existing graph.
Edge prediction Not in the examples Yes (link prediction)
Graph prediction Yes Classification
Support categorical data Yes, in one hot vector.


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